Bonus: I've secured 20-30% discounts on 4 essential softwares you'll get just for applying.
Am I doing this just to get clients? Yes. Though to be clear there is no pressure to buy anything and I vow to do everything I can to help in this 1-hour.
I pre-negotiated discounts to these softwares on your behalf. Just to make this as no-brainer as possible.
If AirTable and Notion had a baby, that baby would spend its whole life living under the shadow of Fibery.
Slack failed in killing email. Spike succeeded in making the next generation of email. It has everything good from both.
Tella is like Loom's hot sister. The thing is, she has a better personality too.
Never take meeting notes again. Its rude and distracting. And frankly, you miss the meat.